Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Maybe I do actually think a bit too much sometimes and try to overanalyze everything… Trying to read more into things, events, facts and so on might be good sometimes, but when it’s done excessively, it becomes a burden as you tend to doubt everything when thinking that “Dam, there must be more to it which might be hidden”… Sometimes one should literally calm down… Maybe some things ARE exactly like how they seem to be, believe it or not… Insecurity perhaps?
MLV’s remix of Sun Is Shining just popped into my head for no reason.


Anonymous said...

relax and enjoy the moment buddy, things will turn shitty soon enough.

have fun

Manutdfanatic said...

Yes things sometimes are what they seem to be. Only sometimes.

It's actually pretty healthy to think about things as long as you aren't over-doing it to the point that you are walking, talking and sleeping that thinking process.

Don't think in excess;'s best to let some things go.

All the best.

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