Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Somewhat lost

Don’t know how to organize my thoughts and think of what to write, it’s not like I usually do that but I put some little thought before writing, but for now, I’ll just BS…

Exhausted, full, sleepy, satisfied yet somehow depressed at the same time… Been up since 2 AM yesterday (In other words, been up for over 19 hours). Had my first midterm, went well thankfully (For a change), had a long day at uni, have another long day as well tomorrow, there are rumours circulating that we have another midterm tomorrow but the teacher seems to have gone AWOL or something, now I can’t study even if I had to, I can’t be arsed to open a book now, too drained emotionally and physically

In life, when we simplify things and make it so straight-forward someone must come from nowhere and screw things up and complicate matters (And vice versa, when one complicates things other make them seem to be so simple and easy)… WHYYY?! It’s killing me... It’s hard enough to find people to have decent and constructive conversations with, let alone friends and certainly let alone soul mates. You simply do NOT find such people hanging on trees or auctioned somewhere on eBay (Or Souq for that matter)… Reality hurts, but one must try their best to get along and make do with what they’ve got… I hate saying goodbye, who likes it anyway? I know I should be thankful and extremely appreciative for everything but I find that quite hard, I’m insatiable in some way I guess, always wanting more… Patience might be the key though. I reckon it is our only choice.

Well, as our lovely song goes *everything is beautiful, let the music carry you, maybe I will follow you forever!*… Bless you and see you next week despite everything bibi! Allah la ye7remna min ba3ad bas ;)

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