Saturday, November 22, 2008

November drizzle

So, it's already November, I don't even remember the last time I updated this little blog of mine… What have I been up to? Not that many (Or anyone for that matter) would care or even have the slightest interest, but here goes nevertheless: Work, socializing, partying (Soberly, as usual) and trancing. Not much has changed then, eh? That’s what you might think, but photography has been missing from my list of activities for quite a while… I am still that geek who carries his camera with its full gear (Minus that Sigma 70-300 zoom lens which I wonder why I bought it, I think it’s because it was rather cheap, and for the wannabe stalker that lies within)... I still love photography, but haven’t have had much time to go on those shooting trips, which is a pity, especially since the weather has been improving tremendously lately. I like this month.

Work, well, I am learning to cope with stress, emotions, deadlines, “urgent” tasks and assignments which were eternally ‘pending’ yet suddenly become increasingly important out of the blue, but hey, that is work. Learning to deal with people, learn new things every single day, BEING BUSY! I am quite thankful that I eventually landed this job, especially considering the crisis in world economy, and the announced and unannounced layoffs that have been on the increase for the past two or so months in Dubai… The more fortunate companies are freezing their recruitment; the very fortunate ones are going ahead with their plans and projects. Something that makes me look forward to the coming months is the fact that things will get even busier, with two whole projects coming online in the next 6-8 months, and countless others (Well, depending on how the economy goes worldwide, since the others are not in Dubai)… I hope I will still be in the company by then, and hopefully my plans of continuing my studies will go unscathed despite everything… One word: Hamdella… Hamdella for everything, having a great family that haven’ pressurized me and gave me nothing but continuous endless support no matter what, being at a decent company with a good and relatively stable job within the field I studied and for lovely friends (Husam, Suha, Rasha, Mirna, Amal, Noreen, Zeina, Ghada, Mohammed, Cristina, Khaled, Marcus, Rania, Nassouh, Heba, Zayna, Saeed, Sheena, Lisa and countless others, you know yourselves :))

Useless and irrelevant piece of information there- I am at work doing the late shift today, obviously I haven’t had much to do in the last 15 or so minutes so I decided to blog, I am officially done for the day, so I guess I will wrap up this little post here, in the hope that I will get to update this further later on.

p.s. “Z” suggested that such postings should be kept to myself, and that they shouldn’t be shared, I beg to differ there though… There is a reason why I haven’t removed all the old posts, even the cheesy and teenager-ish ones (To be specific, ones relating to that ungrateful cunt I once adored, excuse my abusvie language there, but I think I am actually complimenting her with those words, and yes, I am ungrateful myself I reckon). They (Old posts) are there for nostalgic value, also, to be an eternal reminder of how everything changes and that the only fucking constant is change. Till this day I cannot explain things or make sense of what happened, but maybe it is better that way… Someone told me that in such situations, (Won’t call it a break-up, we were never together in the first place) you never know how it is at the other person’s end. Another reason is to be a bold reminder of how naïve I am, and how naïve I will always be, I’m not the brightest star in the sky, but I sure can be a force to reckon with when my mind is set to do or achieve something, like father, like son (God bless him).


Anonymous said...

Am glad November is here too .. And I am a follower and reader of this blog and got excited at reading your post..
I , too, sometimes write for myself , and other times for Ribs. I made the blog for him, and now renamed it.

Unlike that cunt of yours, Ribs and I are on good terms.. Sorry if it isnt okay coming out of m ^ to be saying that.. but somehow it gave this post a twist, a flavor. Your writings were calm, general updates , and suddenly there in the midst.. Strong choice of words too ..

Omar .. You .. Are a wonderful person . I know I dont know you that well .. But here's the deal .
On saturday (yesterday) I was wit a bunch of girls when on of them brought you up . Questioning who Omar is , why s many people know him . and then she looked at me .

A bright person, creative, tamoo7, trancer, friendly , social and alot more were the things i came up with..
The same day , you send me a message on facebook asking me how I am (which im planning on replying to right now)

Albak 7assak 7ada jab seertak ?

All am saying , is youre a great person , just the fact that you names so many friends in your post should mesn something . Not alot of people have that O .. Hamdella 3ala kel shi,
The 'cunt' (sorry) doesnt know what shes missing out on ...


Unknown said...

In reply to Ziza…

I never thought November is a nice month, heck, I never had a favorite month, I tended to like December, perhaps because of the change in climate it used to bring when we were kids, the rain, the thunder, the national day break (Used to be something to look forward to with all the brainwashing the Arabic schools I went to did to me), new year’s, my sister’s birthday and the fact that a whole song by Linkin Park related to this month (The acoustic version of “My December” still sends shivers down my spine… That was before I found trance, my sanctuary… Remind me to tell you about the first ever ‘trance’ album I got in my life, over that cup of coffee of course, or in my case, tea, since I am not an avid consumer of caffeine-based products (Before you argue, yes, I know that for a matter of fact tea contains some percentage of caffeine, maybe that is why it’s addictive, but to a lesser extent)…

I miss blogging… I think this is a first, updating this twice in the space of less than 36 hours, maybe a major factor behind that is the fact that Facebook is not working tonight for some reason…

I’m happy for you and Ribal… You seem to be happy together and always there for each other, which is rather important… Maybe one day I will find peace of mind too, somehow…
I don’t even know why I added the last few lines about her… I never, ever publicly blurted such a thing (But I did personally, to her), maybe I would regret saying that in the future, I am almost certain actually that we will cross paths again at some point in the future in the most unexpected circumstance(s)… fate has a thousand tricks up its sleeves and when that happens, hopefully she will realize what she has missed out on… Believe it or not, it’s actually one of my motives, proving people wrong that is… Not the most ideal method of self-motivation (Thank Godness I’m not into HR and motivation and all that, at least not yet, otherwise I’d probably draw up my own messed up ways of motivating others which would never work or apply on anyone who is normal)

I… I am speechless :$... I don’t even know how my name came up (A quick guess- Girl gossip)… I think it’s a good sign (And a sigh of relief personally) that I am perceived as a good person, I struggle to come to terms with that… I have a very cynical, gloomy and pessimistic view about myself quite often, I doubt myself, I doubt my abilities, it spurs me on though, somehow… Again, I appreciate the fact that you not only hold me in such high regard, but you even shared that with people who don’t even know me (Knowing how conversations go, usually they tend to dwell over the negative sides of people, rather than the positive)… As the infamous George Wassouf once said/ja33ar/blurted out (I think) “il denya lessa bkheir” I guess! I’m flattered, actually being flattered is an understatement, and I’m gob smacked…

Regarding the random message which was sent out of the blue, I don’t know… My cheesy answer would be “il 2loob 3end ba3ad”… But my more realistic answer is, you wrote on my 7ee6 if I am not mistaken asking for some assistance regarding something, and if memory serves me right I replied to that, but never received a reply, so I thought I’d drop a quick message just to check on you, that’s all… Guess that timing was a bit odd, but hey, that’s fate for you (Or maybe that’s me BSing in the above few lines)

Hamdella, again… “Hatha men fadl Rabbi”…


Anonymous said...

Meooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww =D
thanks hun, always here for you.. about the last part in your post, Screw her, its her lose and you'll find someone better =)