Monday, February 01, 2010

En route...

Typed up a few days ago (26th Jan to be specific)

This must be some achievement, blogging twice in the same month. I can’t really recall the last time that happened. Oh well, not something to dwell on

So moving on to more important things! Sitting in the passenger seat for a change while my sister is driving, usually I’d be the one driving, but I don’t mind the (slight) change of perspective and in scenery. Was a bit blank when I started typing, so I asked her ‘What should I blog about?’, got the predictable ‘I don’t know’ from her. In return I asked her about topics we might have discussed that ticked me off, so she joked and mentioned the renaming and rebranding of Burj Dubai into Burj Khalifa or Pluto not being an official planet anymore, and just being a wannabe-planet that is actually a big lump of rock floating peacefully in space. Just for the record, these are things that my elder sister off was baffled about, but she has thankfully come to terms with it. I have no qualms with either thing, yet (Well it’s not like I will have something against either life altering issue here)…

Anyhow, I might be slowly realizing how it is not worth it to fret about certain things, and more importantly people (Sad, eh?). I should understand slowly that certain people are not worth the hassle, but it is Important not to make matters escalate to reach a dead-end where no one of the parties involved reach the point of no return (In simple words, keep it in a way that things can be ‘worked on’ so to speak)… That does not work with everyone of course, but maybe that’s to the better.

More randomness to follow some other day/night, since we reached our destinations *Switches social butterfly mode on*